~as expected

as expected… He won for the election. Yeah, the Datuk A won with big majority. well, he will be in the parliament and i’m pretty sure most of the citizen outside there know his plan. He wants to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia!!!

lets take a look at the consequences. Now, UiTM is under conflict. the Selangor MB wants it to be opened to non-M, and ‘he’ agreed. let us rewind the old days when he was the minister of i cant remember. hehe. he told that uitm is for M ONLY! now? what did he do? he joins the ‘brilliant leader’ of ‘toooooot’, and agree with that orang tue punye kate2. haih! da terbalik da encik? dulu cakap lain, sekarang cakap lain. pe cer ni? mane pendirian encik? *smiling scenically*

I’m a student that is under MARA sponsorship. MARA stands for MAJLIS AMANAH RAKYAT and only for M. if let say UiTM is open for the non-M (nauzubillah), then that is not impossible for MAJLIS AMANAH RAKYAT changes to MAJLIS AMANAH MALAYSIA, kn? am i right? hehe… MAM? open to non-M also? waaaaaaaaa!!! then where goes to the M? pikir2 lah sendiri…

what is happening to the politics in Malaysia realizes me on the importance of us, the teenagers, who will become the leader of the country. come on lah remaja (plus me)! bangun dan jadilah yang terbaik untuk memimpin masa depan negara sendiri yang sekarang ni macam da xde masa depan je. orang-orang tue yang ade sekarang ni fikirang da nyanyuk, asyik fikir pasal diri sendiri, and duit. MATERIALISTIC!

am i mad with them? absolutely! neither of the politics parties now are in the right path. they argue with each other, and what appears in their mind are money, status, position and again, MONEY! rakyat? the lowest in their list. haih, manusia yang masih bernyawa, yang masih mampu berfikir! wake up and stand up la weyh!

*a bit emotional*