2017 in a glance

Assignments, employer project, graduation, nights at the hospital, back and forth trip to hospitals and clinics, train rides, plane rides, Bali, Taiping, Singapore, Johor Bahru, Bukit Tinggi, Terengganu, moving house, moving house again, therapy session, new cooking, changing job, new friends, new people, new network, business, weddings, gatherings and therapist. 

That, pretty much my 2017 in a glance. It was so colorful. 

To be honest, the highlight of my 2017 was I managed to gather all my courage to meet up with a therapist. Sorry I know I promised I would share the story. But I just couldn’t click that PUBLISH button. It was just too personal to share the whole story. 

Just a simple advise. 

To YOU, if you feel stress or any kind of depression, LET IT OUT. Never ever thought of piling them up until they become unbearable. You can find something to do to channel your stress or if you have someone or friends that you can really trust, let it out to them. I used to play sports and hit the gym those days but not anymore. So whenever I felt stress, I would go to sleep hoping it will take away my stress. Nope it doesn’t work that way. Friends? I always felt that my friends have their own problems so why should it bother them with mine? Well, at least now I know my friends are there for me. If you don’t feel comfortable and afraid of people’s judgment, seek help from other sources. There are plenty of places you can go. 

For you, if you notice any changes or even little signs showed by people around you, please, lend your hands, your ears, shoulders, anything to reach out to them. No, I’m not saying that you should put them as your priority but slot in some of your busy schedule for them. And if they decide to share with you, just listen. I don’t trust in FB’s or Twitter’s status but some do really tell through it so watch out. If your friends suddenly want to meet up, be kind enough to ask if there is anything wrong. If your family members give you any sign of depression, please help. If you can’t help, bring them to see certified counsellor, or bring them out to play, to release their stress, give them hobby to channel their anger, etc. There are so many things you can do. 

About meeting up with professional, I know it is not easy. The first call will be the hardest. I called few places to find the therapist that suits my time and I was freaking out. It was weird, to be honest, meeting a stranger and pouring out everything but trust me, it wasn’t bad at all. And nothing to be embarrassed about it. It is not a taboo. Nope. In fact, it was the wisest decision I have ever made in 2017. Just Google therapist or counsellor centre in Malaysia and you will find so many. Just give them a call to make appointment. If you need help or details on which center I went, email/dm me and I will be happy to share with you. 

Well, stepping into 2018, I hope I will be able to achieve some of my goals as what I in 2017. Alhamdulillah for that. Let’s together work hard to be ‘someone’ we can be proud of and bring more positivity to our surroundings.

And more make up.

Farewell 2017.