Because I don’t know,

“Once upon a time, does not always end with happily ever after”

Do you know how much a heart can bear happiness+frustration+sadness+joyfulness+angry at the same time? I don’t.
Do you know if you will regret the decision you’ve made yesterday? I don’t.
Do you know whether that person you had argued yesterday, is going to be your husband tomorrow? I don’t.
Do you know when you will lost all your wealth and power? I don’t.
Do you know when will you need other people’s help? I don’t.

But I know one thing. Allah knows.

“Tomorrow is a maybe. So why bother worrying about tomorrow when you can cherish today and make it the best of the days?”

a cup of life

let’s start this one with a simple picture.

Coffee. One who knows me, will understand how crazy I am about this caffeinated drink. My addiction towards coffee started when I came to the United States. I had never known before that the bitter sweet taste of coffee would give me so much calmness, and comfort.

It was winter, January 4th, 2011, where I had my first cup of coffee at T.Spoon, Iowa City. Then I started  to consume coffee everyday, at least once per day. At least. For me, coffee is like a life. There are so many types of coffee; mocha, latte, cappuccino, americano, and so forth. It tastes good, but you have a limitation on how many cups you can take in a day. As for me, two cups of coffee and double shot of espresso was nothing back then. Until one day, I had a terrible headache and it lasted for few days. Then I made assumption that I should lessen my coffee consumption.

Just like life, there is this much that we can take, no matter how much we push ourselves, because we thought there are no limitations in everything. There will be one moment when you realize that you have done your part, your best, and you should leave it to HIM, because after all, HE will decide whether to make it happen or not, right? No matter how much you would like it to happen, you have to stop, because it will hurt you even further to like it, and the end is not what you have been imagining. Because you know, you have reached your limit. Disregarding people’s words, assumptions, advises, as you yourself bear the pain.

and one of the reasons why I have been missing United States so much, is the coffee houses. Whenever I have a terrible day, or does not feel good, I would grab a cup of my favorite Vanilla Latte, Caramel Macchiato, or Ginger Peach Tea and spend few minutes alone at the coffee house. No, I don’t have that in Malaysia, simply because I don’t feel safe being alone, whenever I go, not even having a cup of coffee at Gloria Jean’s. and you know how much I’m missing Iowa?

Indeed, coffee understands.