The jobless journey

Wow it’s almost end of 2015.

And today will be my last day of working in 2015.

2015, what a remarkable year of my working journey. I came back to Malaysia on 2013, full of hopes, and excitement to start a new journey. Who would have thought, chasing my dream would require me to take uturns? Then finally I have found a job that suits my passion and goals and dreams.

Wow. It’s a blessing. They say it’s the journey that matters, right?

Indeed it is.

Selfie because it’s the last day of working for 2015. and I love my job.


Mutual respect

Thanksgiving 2011.

I received an invitation from a good friend of mine, Sam, to celebrate the occasion with them. So I went, with few other Malaysians as well. It was a food fiesta! They had Turkey, and they even prepared halal chicken for us. I can still remember Meghan’s delicous deviled eggs. Mind you, they did not serve alcohol. Not in front of us.

So before we started eating, they recited a prayer to God, thanking Him for everything that they have, friends, family, and many more. They were just being thankful to Him. And myself, I recited a prayer on my own. Did I say it out loud? Of course not. But did I interrupt their prayer? No I did not.

Mutual respect.

So do you want to say that I did wrong for joining the dinner? For ‘celebrating’ Thanksgiving with them?

Oh and we played wii after the dinner. It was a good night afterall.

Till next time.

that question again

So this morning I had a chit chat session with my boss. Then she asked me why did I come back to Malaysia with such furious tone.


I seriously do not know how to answer this question. I have been asked this question so many times, and been asking myself, these few years. WHY

yes, there are part of me that regret coming back home without my PhD, or Masters Degree, or adequate working experience. I could have just proceeded with my plan to retake my GRE, and apply to the Tippie School of Business for my PhD, and work part time at the same, do some odd jobs. Whatever to survive there. I should have. Because it has been so hard, like really hard to get the financial support nowadays to further my study. Not that I am giving up, NO!

I’ll find my way. I surely will. inshaaAllah.

I pleaded guilty

So I had a chat with a lecturer here. So he was mad at his leader, and said this,

“You are angry with your ********** and what they are doing to the citizens, but you, yourself, are acting the same way towards your own subordinate. Pandai kutuk leaders, tapi diri sendiri jadi leader, perangai macam tu jugak.”

Get it?