will it be the same?

teringat saat-saat habis IB dulu. tak berhenti tersenyum. yela, IB susah okay and selalu sangat tension. dari hari pertama masuk kmb dah tak sabar-sabar nak habis IB. tak ada orang yang tak tersenyum bila keluar dari hall tu. memang seronok tak terkata.

tapi dalam masa yang sama, sedih. sedih sebab kmb bagi banyak kenangan, manis, pahit. kmb lah detik pertemuan antara kawan-kawan. di kmb juga lah episode percintaan bermula, dan berakhir bagi sesetengah orang. sedih. memang sedih. kmb lah tempat jatuh bangun.

kalau orang tanya mahu ke tidak mengulangi IB, memang tak nak. kalau orang tanya mahu ke tidak mengulangi kehidupan di kmb, memang tak nak. siapa sanggup?  tapi kalau orang tanya, mahu tak menjalani kehidupan bersama-sama orang-orang di kmb, kawan-kawan, cikgu-cikgu, saya nak. sebab saya rindu mereka.

lagi tiga bulan nak graduate from Taylor’s dah. apakah akan sama kegembiraan graduation itu berbanding kegembiraan graduation IB?

Tell me why

Why are we being sponsored? Does not matter whether it’s loan or scholarship. The question is why?

Why do son/daughter of rich people, of Datuk/Dato’, Tan Sri, etc, still get the scholarship even when we know the mother and father can pay for their education? Aren’t there still many people who are less fortunate but excellent academically or eligible for the scholarship? They know their parents can afford to support and pay the tuition fees and everything but why do they still work hard to get the sponsor? Even at the end they know that they need to pay back/work for the. Tell me why?

I thought sponsors are about helping those who are excellent in education and want to pursue their study to the higher level but the parents could not afford to support their education? Well, I thought.

Maybe I don’t understand how they give out the scholar or I don’t understand the politics behind this. So tell me?