The way it should be

An honest post, this should be.

Almost eight months has it been, since I left Iowa for good. For good, not going back there, to the place where I have learnt so many things. It is hard, to be honest, to digest the fact that I am here, back in my hometown. I started my job hunting as soon as the day after I touchdown, and started working on March 2013. I felt like I was forced to go to the interviews, to work, everything I did, these past few months. Not forced by other people, but by myself, because I was really reluctant, at first, to go back. I did not put my heart into everything I did, because my heart, and my thought are still, left at that place. Yes, my body is back home, but everything else, not. Everyday at work was a pain for me, because I did not enjoy it. No, I loved my work, sometimes and my colleagues are awesome, and my boss, is the best. I could not have asked for more than this team I am with right now.

Then, I realized something. I did not really enjoy being here, doing this, because again, I was not really here. Until recently, I did not know why I decided to accept the job, or do this, or that. Now I know, I think I know. I am, now, trying to get myself back to where I belong, here, and start afresh. Start this new journey, back from the start, and enjoy, everything I am doing. 

Yes, indeed, ikhlas is the key to everything, and redha. I will try to put both in everything, from now on, and be positive whenever bad things happened to me. 

To start afresh is not easy, but, this should be the way, right?