Education or a piece of paper

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

It’s been a month since I started working in this place. I have learned so much in this very short period. Alhamdulillah, tak pernah menyesal resign from my previous employer.

I graduated from the University of Iowa with double degree. First job, tak ada kena mengena dengan degree. I did admin job. Mula-mula, yes, rasa susah sebab tak pernah buat, and macam boring, but lama-lama, surprisingly, seronok!

Masa mula-mula kerja, rasa bosan sebab kerja tak challenging, konon-konon tak menguji minda, tak guna otak. Padahal sendiri malas nak fikir. Perangai sendiri malas, nak blame pekerjaan tu.

Kadang-kadang sedih dengan mentaliti sesetengah orang, asal ada degree, kena ada job yang gaji beribu-ribu, kena dapat job yang related dengan apa yang u belajar. Yes, penat belajar jauh-jauh, dengan ada exams all the time, mentaliti breakdown and tak ada family, siapa kata tak penat? tapi apa niat awak belajar? apa niat awak nak dapatkan degree?

I have to agree that unemployment is a huge issue, not only in Malaysia, but most countries across the globe. You can blame the government, blame the ‘cronies’, blame the system, blame everyone but not you. Sampai bila nak blame orang lain? Bila kita blame orang, kita dapat kerja ke?

Jangan lupa, rezeki kita dapat belajar sampai degree/master/phd tu, datang dari siapa? Siapa yang izinkan semua itu berlaku? Kita dapat kerja bagus or tak, datang dari siapa?

Yes, sometimes ‘circumstances’ permit us from getting/doing something, but after all, everything happens with HIS permission. Kroni tak kroni, if HE says so, then it will happen.

So, do you think you grad with an education or a piece of paper?