story telling…

alhamdulillah, another week has gone. well, not yet but classes for this week were over.

well, there’s a story. My housemates and I had lunch at our usual place. and our new friend, Sham, came to us and sat with us. She invited her friend, ‘J’ (I’m sorry I don’t remember his name but his name starts with J). Sorry my bad. Ok the point is, she told us that J converted to Islam few years ago. and I was very excited to know his story and how he converted to Islam. Here is his story…

few years ago when he was a child, he lived in Philadelphia. His father undergone a surgery but did not make it. His father died in that surgery. So he felt that God does not love him. His surrounding, his friends were all happy and he did not feel happy. He was just lost after his father died. His parents were a strong Christian. They were like imaam in Islam (i’m sorry i’m not so sure what the term is). So his mother and him moved to Iowa. He observed, he went to church every Sunday but he realized he did not like that the people does not have system, identity (I hope you get what I mean) and he did not even know why he went to church weekly. So he befriend with Sudanese and he liked that the Sudanese have system in their life, and he just like them. So after quite some time, he told them that he likes their life. They joked about him converting to Islam and it ended that he really converted to Islam. Alhamdulillah.

he told us how he loves Arabic and he really wants to learn arabic deeply. We asked him about his mother’s reaction. he said that his mother accepted and okay with it. the reason was that she believes in one God, and as long as his son believes in God, she okay with it. and now, he lives happily with his mother.

that’s the story. we were impressed with his story. he is a pure american that faced racism because of his skin color. he told us, when he go to mosque, people will look at him and it’s not comfortable to be the center of attraction. yeah, pity him but he’s used to it. anyhow, he’s a funny person. and we were glad that we know him. I feel blessed that I was born with Islam. But am I a true muslim? Did I practice Islam according to Quran and Sunnah?

Ya Allah, open my heart like how You opened his heart. Guide me so that I won’t be drifted away from You.

mixed blabbering.

if you notice, life is so colorful. if not, you have to make it colorful, and also meaningful.

so what with the result? I could say that I’m proud with myself that I did not so depressed like I used to be when my result was not as I expected. Yeah, I used to mop around crying like a wife losing her husband. but now, I accept it full heartedly because I know, I have to try harder. harder than before. Not so good result means I did not try hard. so who to blame?

when you take things positively, surely your life will be happier, calmer, and you will always look for new things to come. ok I lied. i don’t really look forward for the classes. but for SPRING BREAK! oh dear holiday please come fast. I miss you. oh and yes, I’m not planning to go home (by home I mean Malaysia) but I kept looking for cheap ticket. idiot huh? but yes, that’s the way I spent my time. but seriously, I don’t have any plan to go back this summer. I miss home, but not as much as I want to finish my degree early.

oh to all who plan to study here, I don’t recommend you all. It might look fun but not as fun as you think. being away from home is not easy. being with strangers is not easy. adapting with the culture is not easy. maybe the only fun things are experience and travel (I guess?). anyways, just be thankful for what you get. Because what you get is what God gives you and what God gives you is the best for you.

18th February 2011,

I will not say that today is my happiest day or my best day. Yes, it started with not so good test and result but I had a blast.

Alhamdulillah, Allah grant me with healthy body, incredible family, fantastic friends around me and superb friends around the world. I did not expect neither hoping for any celebration or cake or gift. maybe because of exam stress that I did not really think of my birthday.  But today, I went shopping, a surprised birthday wishes from my beloved girlfriends from UK, I got a delicious ice-cream cake from my new girl friends and a gift from my beloved housemates. oh yes, and also, mama made a facebook account just to wish my birthday. that was the best part. and also, facebook’s posts were awesome. oh not to be forgotten, twitter’s and tumblr’s wishes.

22, what it tells? A year older, so does it mean that I have to change? yes, definitely, to be a better person, better human being, better slave. better. not perfect. I don’t know whether I still have a year to live. or even a day. I don’t know. true, embrace each seconds you have.

thanks again for all the wishes and for giving me a great day. heart you all to death.

it’s back to whom I used to be when I was in high school.
I’ll talk to my parents whenever I have problems. I’ll spill out everything and cry on the phone. but the difference is now I managed to hold my tears until I hang up the phone. Just because I don’t want my parents to worry about me, because they cannot visit  me during weekends. i miss my parents. i miss my family.

putih salji

I should be doing my assignment right now but I can’t help it. Easily distracted moron! It’s very cold right now with -16 degrees. But I’m not wearing any sweater and socks because I’m just too lazy to get it from my room. Few steps away but so malas. Okay so last week, Tuesday, there was a blizzard. Snow storm hit Iowa City and most part of USA. But me and my house mates did some crazy stuff. Once we know that the morning classes for the next day were cancelled, we went outside, playing with the ice. It was crazily snowing, like really crazy. the wind is unbelievably cold. but yes, it was fun especially when we didn’t have to go to university the next day. and more fun when we woke up in the morning, all-day classes were cancelled. By the way, I love Iowa City.

I love being here. but it does not mean that I don’t love Malaysia. I always love my hometown. Iowa is a new home. For now and the next 2 years perhaps? insyaAllah so I have to learn loving the weather, the place, everything! and I’m doing good. but I just can’t stop missing my family. Every second I think about them. But still, I love my new journey.

one month since January 3rd, 2011.

Today is February 7th, 2011. It has been more than a month. But I feel like more than a year. don’t ask me why. The same routine everyday made me feel like I’ve been here since forever. Ok TIPU! Classes has been ‘good.’ What do you expect from a university life? non-stop assignments? weekly quizzes? yes, absolutely. that is university life. At least, for me. and my first mid term test will be next week, February 18th, 2011. Oh yes, my birthday. my 22nd birthday hehe what a day to celebrate, right? darn

A month,
I have fall in love with Iowa, with USA. I guess. But I still miss Malaysia.
I talk to my mum almost everyday. and every time, will be almost one hour.
I have become more independent. I’m not scared anymore to walk alone or taking bus alone.
I have learn how to cook.  How to chop chicken,slice meat.
I eat rice everyday. huge portion. double or sometimes triple from my Malaysia portion.
I have become more chubby.
I have not seen high buildings.
and there are many more things that happened during my first month. A lot.

Dear peeps around the world, Abyan, Farah, Akiey, Cheqot, Rje, Emey, Wz, Ayu, Ali, Faizza, Azie, Aish, Noien, Yaya, Aien, Ima, Asza, Tasnim, Azira, Nabila, Afiq, Fathin, Marwan, Alya, Mya, I miss you all! and of course, I miss my beloved family.

Hopefully the second month will be much better. Finger cross. Pray to God.