March 14, 2013

“If you really regret the decision you’ve made, and you really want to go back to the past, how different do you think the situation will be? Are you sure that you will be happy with the other road?”

There is no ifs, right?

“you can make a difference, not by looking at the past, but my moving on and be thankful.”

yes, but it is not as easy as you say.

“Indeed, nothing is easy in this world. But nothing is impossible. It is, really, up to you to make it or break it.”

“Yes, it is not easy, but you have to. For now, just do it. Give yourself a break. Take that chance, and stop looking at the ‘what ifs’. You know it’s not going to happen anytime soon. Next year, maybe? Maybe next year you can go chase your dream. For now, just live it.”

I will. I will. I will. I will run towards my dream. I just do not want to make the same mistake for the second time. I will. One day.