~she almost forget

a story…..

She was sitting alone in her messy room, full with books and notes on her bed
She suddenly saw the ‘book’ on her table
her hand was shaking and her heart beat very fast.
she almost cannot breath.
she opened the last page that she had read almost more than one month ago.
she read the first sentence.
she was feeling like crying
she stopped her reading awhile to take a deep breath
she continued her reading
first page finally finished.
she read the meanings.
she was touched.
she realized how she was too far from Him
she almost forget that she is a slave that has lots of responsibilities towards her Master
she almost forget to pray hardly for her future and for her happiness in this world and the ‘end day’.
she almost forget that she will die one day and she is still not ready to face Him.
she almost forget that He is the ONLY one that will give her everything that she wants
she almost set her priority on books, works, and schools more than her Lord
she almost forget that she MUST believe in Him in everything
she almost forget to believe in Qada’ and Qadar
she almost forget…

*Ya Allah, kuatkanlah diri ini dan lindungilah aku dari hasutan Syaitan yang sememangnya boleh melalaikan aku dari terus mencari sinar hidayahMu yang aku rasa semakin jauh dariku…

~questions not to be answered

hati orang memang susah nak faham ke?
mulut orang memang susah nak tutup ke?
perluke telinga ini mendengar semua kata-kata yang tak perlu?
perbuatan ini selari ke dengan minda dan hati?
kata-kata yang dizahirkan sama ke dengan nukilan hati?

*only Allah knows how i feel rite now


I’m an ordinary people. punya hati dan perasaan dan jati diri.
I am always searching for my Mr. perfect.
my sister often said that it is impossible.
I don’t want a “perfect looking, perfect brain, perfect job, perfect behavior, the perfect romantic” guy.
I just want an ordinary guy, that can understand me, know what I like and dislike, know how to respect elders, kind to others, curse less, can guide me to the right path, smart guy, educated to be sure, know how to be faithful, know his priorities, and the most important, know how to behave as a human.
i don’t believe in Love. love hurts. love is lots of pain. love is stupidity. love is just a tiny thing that shouldn’t appear in my life.
But I believe in God. I believe in His reason why He created such a beautiful feeling that each living human has.
I believe in fate and what God had wrote in the ‘book’.
I believe one day, God will give me such guy that will entertain me my whole life. A guy that can be trusted until death took me away. a guy that will tell me
“I just need you and I don’t want to be apart from u” hahahaa. (jiwang seyh)
I will wait till I meet that guy.
I haven’t found one but I will. maybe he is here but who knows…
but I know I will found him.
maybe I will have to wait my whole life to meet him.
if I have to, I will.


*my sister said: it is better if u keep the distance between u and him.
*i dont believe in “I love you”

~everyone has their own past things

past things happpened…regretting the past is useless

kenapa ada masa lalu?
kenapa ada pengalaman?
kenapa ada penyesalan?
kenapa ada peluang?

pengalaman mengajar kita untuk menjadi lebih baik. kenapa kita gagal exam? kenapa kita gagal interview? kenapa result ielst x gempak? kenapa break up dengan die? itu semua supaya kita jadikan pengajaran untuk kita perbaiki diri. untuk berjaya dalam hidup (bukan fokus kat pelajaran je) bukan senang. aku sendiri bangkit dari kegagalan.

kenapa kita mesti ingat masa lalu? kenapa pula kita harus lupa? masa lalu adalah kenangan. tak kira pahit atau manis, masa lalu bukan untuk dilupa. ingat dan kalau hempedu, kita jadikan pedoman. mungkin kita gagal dalam ‘kisah’ dulu, namun ada hikmahnya. kita bukan perfect untuk berjaya dalam semua bidang, untuk berjaya dalam semua perkara. ya, mungkin ada sesetengah diantara kita yang success dalam banyak bidang. itu rahsia Allah. Allah berhakmenentukan dan memberi.

talking about penyesalan and peluang, lots of things that i’ve regretted in my life and hilang peluang. being a kmbian, rejected the Petronas offer, not visiting my late friend during his life, and losing him, the one that i’ve ever love. once i was down, i feel like i was sleeping. but life goes on. i’v woke up, and i continue my journey. i’ve met lots of things, many people, and many new experiences that gave me courage to have faith in myself. even those pasts experiences made the new me, and made me believe in the power of the Almighty. it’s not that i don’t believe HIM in the past, but now I am more confident in HIM and my belief towards HIM is even stronger. yes, sometimes the past knocked my heart, and almost made me turn back. the sweetest times i had with him, the moment when i received letter from Petronas, went interview for PNB, were really meaningful, and will always be as a memorable and beautiful experiences. i will never forget, but i will never ever regret them (even sometimes i did). they were my past. i have lots of friends that always support me. I have my family, mama, ayah, kakak, my cintas, my A07Bs, and the most important, i have HIM.

I will always learn from the past. i will always remember my friends’ advice:

“cepat-cepat bangun bile u jatuh. jangan duduk lama sangat”

“your next boyfriend is your husband”

“tengok langit bile u rase lost. langit itu luas, ciptaan Allah itu indah. banyak benda kt langit yang kita tak explore. begitu juga dengan kehidupan. banyak rahsia Allah yang kita x tahu dalam hidup kita”

*He will remain as my friend 🙂


penat sungguh hari ini


aku teringat usrah or tazkirah kt surau x pasti, mengenai penat

manusia sering mengeluh mengenai penat

“haih, aku penatlah”
“lenguh nye badanku.”
“penat giler”
“asal la penat sgt”
“nantilah dulu. badan aku letih ni”

omelan, omongan, percakapan manusia yang sering mengeluh kepenatan (termasuk aku la). kenapa kita harus penat?
dalam usrah/tazkirah tu, ada seorang hamba ni beritahu, kita x boleh mengeluh penat. kita sebagai hamba janganlah merasa penat. setiap perbuatan yang kita lakukan diniatkan kerana Allah, ianya menjadi ibadah. kalau kita mengeluh kepenatan, maksudnya….?? (fikirkan) … keluhan itu Allah x suke. kenapa kita harus penat dalam menunaikan ibadah kepadaNya? kita manusia, kita golongan yang lemah, tidak perfect. kalau kita penat, berdoalah kepadaNya agar diberi kekuatan untuk terus menempuhi kehidupan yang sementara di dunia ini, agar kita boleh bergembira di dalam kehidupan yang kekal nanti.

kenapa aku menulis ini? sebab aku tengah letih dan aku teringat usrah/tazkirah itu and mama selalu pesan,

“tak baik mengeluh”

*so tired but happy


it is raya!

selamat hari raya aidulfitri
minta maaf externally and internally

raikan raya dengan kegembiraan dan kesyukuran kerana berjaya menempuhi ibadah puasa selama sebulan and raikan juga dengan penuh keinsafan. ingatlah, syaitan kembali dibebaskan.
semoga kita terus tabah menempuhi dugaan and dikuatkan semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang belum tamat dan entahkan bila akan tamat…
semoga dipertemukan dengan ramadhan lagi.

*xtra cuti for raye kott…haha