California, 2011.

You know you are in love in that place when every time you look at those pictures, that undefined feelings struck your heart. that feeling, those feelings are hard to describe. you just love it. your heart is attached to anything related to that place.

Last summer, I went on a road trip to the West Coast. Los Angeles, San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. places that I will never forget. places that will stay in my heart forever. places that I will miss the most.

Alhamdulillah, thank you to the Most Gracious, for giving me the chance to explore this world, for giving me the opportunity to feel the warmth, the love from the people that I have never met before. You gave me the chance to feel your love through those people. Thank you for your guidance and your help along the journey. I am looking forward to explore more this winter, inshaAllah.

I am sad.

Jangan cakap kita faham apa yang orang lalui. Mungkin apa yang dia lalui dan apa yang kita pernah lalui similar in certain ways but banyak perbezaan in many ways.

Orang boleh kata, “I know that feeling,” tapi hakikatnya hanya kita yang tahu. and yes, Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.

and orang boleh bagi macam-macam cara untuk kurangkan kesedihan namun hakikatnya hanya kita yang boleh mencari jalan keluar dari kesedihan kita. mungkin memakan masa sehari, mungkin seminggu, sebulan, setahun, atau bertahun-tahun.

Macam-macam cara boleh kita buat. Buat lah apa yang sepatutnya, asalkan mengikut jalan yang sepatutnya. and, minta lah pada Allah kerana sesungguhnya hanya kepada dia tempat kita bergantung. Hanya dia yang mampu membantu kita. Percaya sepenuhnya pada apa yang ditentukannya, inshaAllah, hilanglah kesedihan itu. Dia yang cipta kita, so only DIA yang betul-betul faham kita. kan?


There are moments in your life when you don’t know what to do. and at those moments, you can only pray to Allah to guide you in choosing the right path, so that you don’t make the wrong decision. But, wrong decisions are essential in a learning process. We can never learn new things if we don’t make a mistake. But repeating the same mistake, is something we should avoid.

Istikharah. I learned that istikharah is a very effective way to make decision. When you do the salah, you asked Allah for his guidance, for his directions. and when you do that, frequently, consistently, and BELIEVE solely on Allah, insyaAllah, you will have confidence in every steps that you take. Even when you faced failures in those steps, you will not be sad, because you know, Allah wants you to take those paths for you to learn, because you know, there are hikmahs behind the story. When you really believe in Allah, in what HE has planned for you, you will not feel a bit of grieve/sadness when things do not go as you wish. You will always remember that things will always run as Allah’s will, NOT YOU.

Why am I saying this? Alhamdulillah, since the last few weeks, I have been doing istikharah almost every night. What I asked for? of course his guidance for every decisions that I have to make in the future, whether life-related or study-related. Alhamdulillah, my last management’s mid-term went well. The result was out and I am very happy with my grade. and Alhamdulillah, there is not once that I regret every steps that I take so far. I am more certain now with my decisions. I don’t know how to describe this thankfulness and this easiness that I am feeling right now. you should try it. Do it consistently, with full faith for ALLAH and only ALLAH and of course, with EFFORTS as well. insyaAllah.

I am not telling you my story to show how alim I am. I am far from that. Believe me. saya sangat jahil. i am just trying to be a better person by relying everything on HIM. and I hope you all can try it. Do it slowly, and every time you do it, don’t forget to ask Allah for consistency in doing the istikharah. insyaAllah, lama-lama akan naturally be a habit.