so the journey continues…

Salam all! How are you today? I hope you are doing great, and be in HIS utmost blessing. I did not really have time to blog since my last post. I had so many things in my to spill but then, I failed to find just a moment to type them here. My bad.

So my summer holiday has officially ended. I will be flying off to United States today, in just few hours. I would like to thank everyone for the great summer break. beloved family of course! and darling chentas! and dearest friends! I have fulfilled all my cravings. I don’t have to mention the food here, right? so yes, thank you all. I am so thankful to Allah for showering me with HIS loves through people around me. Allahuakbar! Alhamdulillah!

Raya? It was fun! Gathering with my family, and the extended family, is the moment I have been missing. Alhamdulillah, this raya gave me that blissful moment! and also, few precious hours with that person. thank you.


So inshaAllah, this semester, Fall semester will be my final semester for my degree! I am so excited but nervous at the same time. Doakan saya dan kawan-kawan saya terus kuat dan tidak berputus ada. inshaAllah.

I will be going back for good in few months. InshaAllah. Let’s fight. Fight. Fight. Fight. and cherish every moments.

Doakan perjalanan kami selamat. Perjalanan yang tiada penghujung. Eh ada, perjalanan yang tujuannya hanya satu. you know what I mean, kan?

Till then, Assalamualaykum.

Three questions


“How are you today? How is your iman? How is your heart?”

Those are 3 questions that my sister likes to ask. Well, used to. I mean, we lost contact. oh, not biological sister thou.
Always ask yourself how is your imaan doing. Remember Raihan’s song? Iman Mutiara.

Iman adalah mutiara. Di dalam hati manusia. Yang MEYAKINI Allah. Maha Esa. Maha Kuasa.
Tanpa mu iman bagaimanalah. merasa diri hamba padaNYA.
Tanpa mu iman bagaimanalah. menjadi hamba Allah yang bertakwa. 

Tanpa iman, macamana kita nak jadi hamba Allah? Macamana kita nak rasa pun kita ni hamba Allah. Ada terdengar satu tazkirah. Iman kita yang menentukan perbuatan kita. sebab tu kita kena sentiasa ‘ukur’ iman kita, supaya kita sentiasa perbaiki, supaya kita mampu menjadi HAMBA ALLAH yang terbaik, yang bertakwa. inshaAllah. let’s strive for it! together! jom masuk syurga sama-sama!

Had a short trip to Terengganu. Amazing. Fell in love. Thank you Allah for the opportunity. and have a bless Ramadhan everyone! Don’t waste it!