For the first time…

2 am in the morning. After feeding my baby.

I scroll through my old post in this blog. And I came across this one post which I saved as draft. It’s about the first few days after my arrival at Iowa City, Iowa.

Such a lovely experience. My first meetings with the friends that I trust, and love, for the sake of Allah. First time went to my favorite shopping spot, favorite coffee shop, and favorite place to ‘lepak’. First time. Still, can feel the love. In fact, that was the first time I left Malaysia and being away from my family. The sweet first time.

My first big failure was of course, my Pre-U result. I did not take it well. But it was a huge lesson for me, that we can not always get what we want, but we’ll get what’s best for us, because Allah knows.


Because of that, I got the chance to fly to Iowa, and meet the new girls, new friends, new circle of life. I went to the places, I have always wanted to go, New York, Washington DC, California. I did a road trip, and camped at Canyons. I got below 3.0 for my first semester, but I took it extremely well, and awarded Dean’s list in the following semester. I learned how to cook. I got a part time job for the first time. Ya Allah, there were so many great things happened because of that.

Allah knows, right? I know, at times and situation that is not in our favor, those sayings and advises, are just words for us. You will reach your breaking point, hate this world, hate everyone, everything. You might not see it now, but you will, eventually, admit, and be thankful for that.

Life is indeed, a blessing that we cannot take it for granted.