Hello winter break :)

Alhamdulillah, Fall 2011 semester has ended. I can officially say hello to my winter break. And I can smile humbly because this time, I am much more confident about my grades. Oh I have already got the grades for two of the courses. Not as I expected, but what more can I ask? Alhamdulillah thank you to Allah the most merciful and graceful.

Fall 2011 was not easy. Even though it was not as bad as my first semester, I do went through emotional breakdowns, so many times. But learned from the past, that emotions can affect people around us. and crying will not settle our problems. Hurdles are essential. they are spices in life. Without them, we will not learn new lessons that can make us a better person. Without them, we can never know how strong we are. and without them, we can never get closer to our Creator. so we should be thankful to HIM, right? Alhamdulillah.

I will be spending this winter with my sisters, travelling somewhere in this country. Last summer, I had the chance to witness His breathtaking creations. and this winter, inshaAllah I will get the second chance.

See you people soon, and all the best in your journey!

p/s: before exam, try to spend some time to call your mom/parents/family. It will give you  the soothing feeling that you will need for your exam. and every time, my mom will tell me this, “buat kerana Allah, inshaAllah Allah akan bagi apa yang terbaik and and Allah akan tolong.”

last but not least,

“If you love something, let it goIf it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn‘t, then it was never meant to be.”