
Salam semua!

Alhamdulillah, June 5th, safely arrived at KLIA, MALAYSIA! The mixed feelings of nervous, excited, thrilled, happy, and so many more gone, vanished when I saw ayah’s face and mama’s smile. A year and a half it had been. had mom’s ketam masak lemak, durian, and keropok lekor and that night, had kfc with best friends! I’m sorry I just could not wait any longer to see them.

Cliche, Malaysia is panas. Went to Pangkor and got major sunburn.
Cliche, I got culture shock. Literally complained A LOT!
Cliche, cost of living is so high! Barang-barang semua mahal weh macamana aku nak shopping kat sini?!
Cliche, Malaysian’s drivers are so good in making others don’t feel safe.
Cliche, I’d give 2 out of 10 to the customer service here. Well, not all but mostly.

Seems all bad about Malaysia, right? Nope. The food here are still awesome. and the people are still nice. well, most of them.

anyways, I still love Malaysia. My hometown. Where my heart belongs.

Will write more but that’s it for now. I love being home no matter what.