Goodbye 2018

2018 has been a journey.

I started 2018 with new job at a startup company. Things did not go as I hoped, hence I had to move on. Alhamdulillah, Allah made it way much easier this time, that I got an offer to work at a place where once, was my dream workplace, for a position that is my passion.

I have mentioned about a year ago, Allah’s plan works in the most mysterious way. In a good way, of course. He did not give me what I want, He put me in places where I needed to be, to shape be to be better. He showed me people with different personalities, attitude and agenda, for me to learn, and reflect upon myself. He showed me the power of families love, and the supportive friends that has always been there. He showed me money is not the only rezeki as it comes in different ways. Allah is simply amazing and His plans are always perfect.

I always believe, with difficulties, come ease. With perseverance, comes result. and with patience, comes success.

I have achieved few of my goals this year. Yup, there are ‘un-achieved’ goals but why look at the negative when you have actually succeed at something?

This time, yes, I am proud of myself. And you should too.

It’s been a great year. Let’s work harder to takeover 2019.

Love, Hana

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